About Pamela

An Unfolding. . .

~ What is meant for you will arrive in clarity, not in confusion ~

This life, just as yours, is held in perfect grace and harmony in and with the totality.

By learning, living and embodying various disciplines that have resonated including advanced training at the Coaches Training Institute accredited by the International Coaching Federation, I provide a practical approach to guiding you to your inner authority. 

What follows are some ‘structured credentials.’  While my life path has led me through these processes, they are not who I am, but rather guided steps along a journey of grace and integration. 

I’m a Coaches Training Institute graduate with a Bachelors in Human Development as well as a Masters in Public Administration.  I’ve been providing Human Design readings and inner authority guidance for over two decades. In addition, I’m a  Genius Report Coach as trained and certified by the founder.

It only takes the first moment to recognize the unique journey you’re here to experience. 

With formal education in and over four decades of experience within the human potential field, I know the significance of recognizing one’s contribution and value within a team and honoring one’s inner authority.  The Genius Report  is the perfect synergy of these dynamics regardless of the career/life path you presently hold or are considering.  

Graciously, I welcome our meeting here on this amazing journey and deeply appreciate the all that you are.

Until again . . . . . .

Book your session here

~ Some certifications and knowledge vectors along The Way ~

Coaches Training Institute

Genius Report

The Hoffman Process

Appreciative Inquiry

The Work of Byron Katie


Compassionate Communication

and  . . . 

the ever present living moment . . .